Tom the Pirate Captain Costume

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Delivered home the 04/02
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For several days, in the middle of the ocean, the most beautiful boat has been sailing. 

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24€79 15€32
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Delivered home the 04/02
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Product description : Tom the Pirate Captain Costume

For several days, in the middle of the ocean, the most beautiful boat has been sailing. À on board a few pirates are resting lulled by the waves, everything is calm when suddenly screams are heard. On the boat it's amazement!
Let your child imagine the rest of the story, thanks to this costume.

This costume consists of a white shirt decorated with a sleeveless jacket< span id="spans0e0">sleeves black in color. 
A black belt with golden buckle will sit around the waist. The striped pants black and red is elastic to the size. It consists of a pair of overboots. The hat has a colorful print. white in the shape of a skull. He will complete it at the same time. marvel this pirate costume.

This costume will be ideal for a carnival, an end-of-year show, or for a Pirate-themed birthday snack! Complete it at the right time. with the help of a saber, an eyepatch and a pretty tricorn! Complementary products available on our website.

This product contains:
1 shirt with sleeveless jacket
1 pants
1 belt
1 bandana
14€99 Home
Estimated delivery between
the 04/02 and the 06/02
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 03/02 and the 04/02

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

Etes-vous plutôt pirate au grand cÅ“ur tel Jack Sparrow ou plutôt pirate sans foi ni loi tel Barbe Noire ? Le choix est primordial pour que votre soirée spéciale Pirate soit réussie ! Découvrez nos déguisements Pirate et accessoires de déguisements grâce auxquels vous vous transformerez en véritables boucaniers. Les femmes ne sont bien sûr pas en reste ! Envie de vous transformer en piratesse sexy ou en véritable corsaire, maîtresse des océans ? Nos costumes complets et ensembles d’accessoires vous aideront à vous mettre dans la peau de votre personnage. Armez-vous d’un sabre, d’un crochet et d’un cache-Å“il, puis partez à l’abordage du bâtiment ennemi, moussaillons ! Pour organiser cette piraterie, il est également nécessaire de miser sur la décoration : perroquets gonflables, suspensions squelettes et cartes au trésor en guise de nappe !

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24€79 15€32