Screamy Ghost Mask

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Delivered within 10 days after your order
Delivered home the 21/03
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A little advice, never answer the phone when you don't know the number... Hide behind...

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Delivered within 10 days after your order
Delivered home the 21/03
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Product description : Screamy Ghost Mask

A little advice, never answer the phone when you don't know the number... Hide behind the mask of a killer and Play the role of the famous serial killer.

Play the role of a terrible murderer for Halloween thanks to this game. this mask placed on a black hood so that you are unrecognizable... An opening is present in eye level.

Halloween is the perfect time to wear ;this mask of terror so don't hesitate to use it! reveal the side of nature black that hides in you !

This product contains:
1 mask with hood
14€99 Home
Estimated delivery between
the 21/03 and the 24/03
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 20/03 and the 21/03

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

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