Octopus Costume - Adult

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Delivered home the 10/03
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The humorous octopus costume is a fun, offbeat option for anyone looking to add a bit of fun and originality...

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Product description : Octopus Costume - Adult

The humorous octopus costume is a fun, offbeat option for anyone looking to add a bit of fun and originality to a fancy dress party or event. With its tentacles and absurd look, this costume can be a way to stand out while adding a touch of humor. The humorous octopus costume is designed to entertain and make people laugh. It's not meant to be serious, but rather to add a touch of absurdity to the party. With its moving tentacles, oversized eyes and sea-creature shape, this costume is a perfect option for offbeat events, carnivals, birthday parties or any other occasion where a little craziness and humor are in order. Not only does this costume offer a comical visual effect, but it also allows the wearer to adopt a deliberately zany attitude and play with other guests, notably by moving in an exaggerated manner or using the tentacles as props It's ideal for those who want to relax, have fun and bring some levity to the event. Contents: Faceplate
  • Reference Parent-26641
  • Product code ASSOR00010828
  • Theme Animals
  • Celebration Carnival, Fair
  • Safety Pas de texte légal
14€99 Home
Estimated delivery between
the 10/03 and the 12/03
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 08/03 and the 10/03

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

Préparez-vous à passer une soirée des plus sauvages ! Que vous ayez l’âme d’un carnivore en quête de son déjeuner ou bien à l’inverse d’un herbivore cherchant à se cacher de ses prédateurs, la fête s’annonce bestiale ! Rue de la Fête a sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs déguisement animaux et accessoires de déguisement du web ! Vous avez l’embarras du choix parmi des milliers de références disponibles ! Du costume de mascotte aux simples oreilles de lapin, vous trouverez sans aucun doute votre bonheur parmi notre grande sélection de déguisements d’animaux !

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