Izuku Midoriyaâ„¢ Wig - My Hero Academiaâ„¢

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Delivered home the 18/03
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Contents: 1 dark green wigThis dark green wig is suitable for costumes for adults and children...

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Delivered within 7 days after your order
Delivered home the 18/03
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Product description : Izuku Midoriyaâ„¢ Wig - My Hero Academiaâ„¢

Contents: 1 dark green wig

This dark green wig is suitable for costumes for adults and children featuring Izuku Midoriya, the main protagonist of the manga and anime My Hero Academiaâ„¢. Like the character's hairstyle, the wig has short green hair.

Izuku Midoriya, called Izuku Might by his mother, is a student at Yuei High School. His dream is to become a professional hero. He is so determined to pursue his dream that he has developed a great analytical mind, which allows him to form battle plans and emerge victorious every time! One of Izuku's most famous lines is: "A smiling hero... reliable... incredible... That's what I want to be! That's why I give everything! For everyone!"< /p>

This wig will complete your Izuku costume for a birthday, a student party, a carnival or a festival.

Officially licensed My Hero Academiaâ„¢ wig.
< /p>

14€99 Home
Estimated delivery between
the 18/03 and the 20/03
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 17/03 and the 18/03

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

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